Testudo remains from archaeological sites of Avella (Neolithic) and Mondragone (Iron Age) in Campania.


  • Ciro Cascone Università Federico II di Napol, Italia




The contribution takes into consideration two “selected” archeofaunas, as the analysed finds approximately belong to genus Testudo. The first archeofauna derives from the Iron Age site of Monte Petrino, Mondragone (CE), while the second comes from the Neolithic site of Mulino S.Antonio, Avella (AV). The remains have been measured, drawn, photographed and put in order referring to the anatomic area they belong to. Has been conducted an analysis about the traces given by the sedimentary alterations and cultural modifications. Finally it has been discussed about the alimentary use, as testified by the analysed traces, and about further possible utilizations of the remains.

How to Cite

Cascone, C. (2009). Testudo remains from archaeological sites of Avella (Neolithic) and Mondragone (Iron Age) in Campania. IpoTesi Di Preistoria, 2(2), 27–51. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1974-7985/1781


