Experimental cultivations for an evaluation of crop productivity in the Po plain during the Bronze Age


  • Marialetizia Carra ArcheoLaBio – Centro di Ricerca di Bioarcheologia. Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna
  • Maurizio Cattani Dipartimento di Archeologia, Università di Bologna
  • Florencia Debandi Dipartimento di Archeologia, Università di Bologna




Within the field researches carried out on the Bronze age site of Solarolo, the University of Bologna has started a program of experimental archaeology including the cultivation of ancient cereals. The main aim stress on the reconstruction of ancient economic aspects an particularly the production of crops. The use of several kinds of cereals not modified by modern genetic transformations, similar to those found during the excavations in the Bronze Age site, allows to start a discussion on main topics concerning ancient cultivations during the Bronze Age, supported by methodological, technical and ethnoarchaeological parameters. The scientific method applied along the experimental activities, accompanied by computations of productivity, offers elements to verify the estimations recorded by classical sources.



How to Cite

Carra, M., Cattani, M., & Debandi, F. (2012). Experimental cultivations for an evaluation of crop productivity in the Po plain during the Bronze Age. IpoTesi Di Preistoria, 5(1), 79–100. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1974-7985/3375


